Nice story that hits on how some cultures (maybe all, since to some level many have similar structures) treat the idea of a woman. We all know the propaganda based on the story of Cinderella, right? There we have a woman being oppressed because she doesn’t have the right powers to protect her. Moral of that story is look for the main patriarch in charge to help protect you (if you have the right looks to be objectified in certain ways).
But you wanna know the real story of this Cinderella? I found it, deep int he bowels of a used bookstore in Homer Alaska. You see, the original story goes like this:
There’s Cinderella all oppressed girl and she works hard, but she’s smart, see, and she slowly organizes the other workers in her neighborhood (taking moments like buying groceries and trash to educate herself and the poor people around her). Real revolutionary, this one, and she learned about the ball that her step-sisters were gonna go to and she hatched a plan with all the workers and artisans trying to overthrow the oppressor.
Off she goes to the ball and lays the bait, glass slipper and all.
Prince comes to her house and the slipper fits. Of course.
One the way to the palace, she drugs the prince and over throws the monarch that has brought so much misery. Now, a utopia doesn’t follow but things get better for the poorer people in the kingdom.
When monarchs centuries ago got a whiff of this popular story they sent a hundred writers to counter it with their propaganda and what we have is the Cinderella story of today.
Interesting, eh?