really good that you’ve quit and seem to be doing much better. I too am reading offline more (which means long form online as well as reading books and reading my LRBs and New Yorkers which I’ve been neglecting for a couple years now) and find myself learning more:
Of course it would be great if the internet, the perfect mode for information, really, were somehow just about information or even well thought out think pieces (Medium for example). Instead we have, as you said, that marketing tool which isn’t meant to make you learn or expand your mind but simply wants you tap tap tapping away at that screen.
One would (and someone like me who prescribes to Chomsky’s theory of Manufacturing Consent to explain much in our media, I certainly do) think that the fact that some meme is the foremost on people’s minds while major political issues are going on, is almost part of the game plan (though there is the outrage machine which does not allow for either grassroots movements nor the proper lucid thought required)…
So it’s offline and on books where we’ll find serious thoughts, unfortunately.
Not to say that I’ve been perfect:
Here’s a gif I watched on reddit recently. Oh my, what a story.
But besides that, I’ve been much better off for reading my books and long form essays. Do I miss some aspects of the zeitgeist. Sure, but I’ve been better off in general. Hope to read more from you