Really well said. The implicit biases are essentially horrendous and witnesses are required from the get go (for the first-responders to be notified, for one) and are already biased against people of color and women. I just read Just Mercy which is a must read for anyone who wants to know a little more about the insidious ways in which the justice system will work against real evidence and coerce witnesses to make things up if convenient.
This goes for the war on minorities as well as the poor and on women (miscarriages used against women to throw them in jail with no evidence and weak witness testimony)
Truly horrific stories in there and I recommend everyone read the book.
To that end, even the book Warrior Cop also points how when things like no-knock raids were first allowed everyone thought that judges would be the ones with oversight, but what it turns out is that judges rubber stamp such violations (need we go into the war on drugs et al?) and also while quite aware that cops are lying (I forget what the percentage of it was, but many were certain cops were lying to them but dismissed it anyways).