Secrets are a funny thing. One moment you’re guarding them jealously, the next moment you’re trying to sell them on the street corner
5$ a pop, please, these secrets didn’t come cheap, not in terms of human blood sweat and tears.
This game will get us all. I remember when I was out in Alaska, hitchhiking down to catch a ferry. Ebby was with me, a warrant out for his arrest and a need to leave the state real quick like. I’m not sure why, but it was a glorious day, sunny, green. Alaskan summers are like the rebirth we all need and I was staring at a field of purple flowers, straight nature just showboating.
Well, a car pulled over and the dark clouds, to say nothing of the sheriff, were moving in on us and we needed to get to Anchorage and hide amongst people or dive deep into the woods but we hadn’t the supplies for the latter so we needed this ride, right?
Well the madman in this vehicle said the ride would cost us. A secret.
Five hours later, chained up in his underground lair, we were beaten for hours. No secret was good enough. Hell, even after I was certain I had told all, he wouldn’t let us go.
Guess no one truly knows themselves.
After he lightened up and gave us some whiskey though, man o man did I open up with some good secrets.
That’s the trick: some whiskey to get out the secrets that your consciousness doesn’t even know, right?
Those secrets I couldn’t even tell you right now if I wanted to.
But sometimes I head to the bar, drink some whiskey and start screaming secrets.
No one cares, though, and I get kicked out.
Guess that’s how it goes sometimes.