Thanks for engaging in a fruitful discussion. None of these points I made (perhaps true to my contrarian soul) are hills I want to die on, but I see your points and agree with you, globally speaking.
I suppose I know Jack about circulation numbers, so I’ll take your word on that (wouldn’t surprise me, really).
But having just read a New York article in bits and clicks and ads, I would like to know the level of “bot infiltration” in Medium. Certainly some of them have to be doubted (even if it seems it would be harder to get around because of the subscription needed), right? I’ve seen some odd spikes on my stats which medium has been able to explain.
This may be nearing conspiracy-theory level, but such is the world. Especially when $$ is involved.
So I disagree that this is like Amazon because Medium is indeed pushing certain stories in front of us (which, again, lack the diversity and brilliance which brought me to Medium in the first place).
Maybe that Still means fiction/poetry isn’t in their purview. Fair enough.
So let’s get to the basics of Doing what we can to get fiction out there. I appreciated your point about emailing Medium tips. Are there other methods that work?
What about sharing the authors or pubs we especially enjoy? I saw the link you had above. I’ll check it out. I recommend people look at The Kalahari Review which has some great poems and essays. Anyone else?